It is always difficult to please and understand a Japanese person because of cultural differences and the language barrier.
In general, hard-selling tactics do not work in this country and you should avoid using hand gestures to explain your points. In Japan, the best option is to use a qualitative approach which consists in delivering a clear and logical concept of ideas in a calm and well-prepared manner. Moreover, you should always have enough arguments, examples and facts to back-up your ideas.
Things to know
As it was mentioned above, when it comes to presenting an idea, Japanese people value on a qualitative approach over anything else. They believe in precise figures over forecasting and estimations. Therefore, you should always be as accurate as possible when describing your ideas and facts and during presentations you try to remain emotionless and self-assured.
When making a presentation in Japan:
¥ Give about competitors (by comparison) but avoid criticizing them
¥ Use distinguishing examples when talking about your company when it comes to performance, honesty and quality
¥ Speak in simple and short sentences, so that your Japanese counterparts will understand you better and clearer
¥ Prepare all the materials to be used at the presentation in written form and in Japanese, so that you can more easily gain the trust of the audience
Audience Expectations
The Japanese normally control their body gestures while speaking and do not project their emotions, therefore try to remain modest and low-key throughout your speech. Additionally, remember that they very much appreciate speakers who present their intentions in clear, logical and precise way.
If you work with Japanese check out the course of Shintaro Tominaga about Japanese Business Culture:
To learn more about the course click HERE.